The GCF approved its first Readiness Preparatory Support Program (RPSP) for Jordan in June 2017 with UNEP as the delivery partner and a second with the Global Green Growth Institute in July 2018. The RPSP, through grant funding and technical assistance, supports country-driven initiatives by developing and strengthening their institutional capacities, governance mechanisms, and planning and programming frameworks towards a transformational long-term climate action agenda. It can also provide support to Direct Access Entities to strengthen their ability to engage with the GCF.
Strengthen NDA institutional capacity | Support Direct Access Entity Accreditation |
Engage stakeholders in consultative processes | Develop GCF project pipeline |
Enhance private sector awareness of GCF funding instruments | Mobilize private sector investment |
In addition to over $1M in readiness support, the GCF has approved 3 multi-regional funding proposals that deploy over $67M in climate finance (link words to climate finance page) to Jordan. There is also a pipeline of 1 approved concept note for a $50M national water project, in addition to an approved Project Preparation Facility (PPF) of $.28M for a $40M national land management project. More information about GCF support in Jordan can be accessed here GCF Jordan Country Page.