

Online Accreditation System (OAS) is a secure internet accessible application, which allows an entity to submit an application for accreditation to the GCF. All entities, including international, regional, national and sub national entities can apply for accreditation to the Fund.


Paradigm shift potential is defined as a degree to which the proposed activity can catalyze impact beyond a one-off project or investment program under the GCF funding. It is one of the major investment criteria to be followed while submitting project/program proposals to GCF. It is further defined by the following sub criteria.

  • Innovation
  • Potential for scaling-up and replication for both mitigation and adaptation
  • Potential for knowledge and learning
  • Contribution to the creation of an enabling environment
  • Contribution to the regulatory framework and policies

A set of indicators established by the GCF to measure progress towards intended results based on the paradigm-shift objective, Fund- level impacts and project/program outcomes as outlined in the GCF’s mitigation and adaptation logic models.


Supports AEs in project and program preparation. It is especially targeted to support direct access entities, and micro-to-small size category projects. The PPF can support project and program preparation costs from all AEs, especially direct access entities and especially for projects in the micro-to-small size category. Funding available is up to US$1.5 million for each PPF request, and can be provided through grants and repayable grants while equity may be considered for private sector projects through grants or equity. Funding proposals developed with the PPF should be submitted to the GCF Board within two years of the approval of a PPF request.


Private Sector Facility (PSF) is a mechanism in which the GCF can directly provide grants, concessional loans, risk guarantees or other forms of financial products (e.g. green bonds, refinancing, credit lines, equity financing) to accredited private companies or pass them on to such companies by accredited intermediaries. It is one of the windows under the GCF to encourage private sector role and investment in climate actions.


Public and Private Partnership is a general term for a contractual relationship between the public sector and private companies to finance, design, build and operate facilities such as roads, hospitals and schools. This form of financing is increasingly being explored as a means to fund climate-related infrastructures.


A life-cycle approach to results management through measurements to improve decision-making, transparency and accountability. The approach is in line with improving the way the Fund functions by achieving outcomes through implementing performance measurement, learning and adapting, in addition to reporting performance.


A methodology for planning, participation and evaluation that is used to promote long-term change. The theory of change defines long-term goals and then maps backward to identify necessary preconditions. The innovation of theory of change lies in making the distinction between desired and actual outcomes, as well as in requiring stakeholders to model their desired outcomes before they decide on forms of intervention to achieve those outcomes. The theory of change is an inclusive process involving stakeholders with diverse perspectives in achieving solutions. The ultimate success of any theory of change lies in its ability to demonstrate progress on the achievement of outcomes. Evidence of success confirms the theory and indicates that the initiative is effective. Therefore, the outcomes in a theory of change must be coupled with indicators that guide and facilitate measurement. The added value of a theory of change lies in outlining a conceptual model that demonstrates the causal connections between conditions that need to change in order to meet the ultimate goals.