
Jordan is one of the leading countries in the MENA region with regards to investments in renewable energy.

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Sixteen years later, it still feels like we are not implementing truly effective and radical climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. Jordan is one of the most vulnerable countries to the impacts of climate change due to the rise in temperature and population

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Research has shown that women are adversely impacted by the effects of climate change in Jordan, since women comprise a larger majority

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Climate change exacerbates the impacts of population growth. It has been primarily affecting the sustainable development of Jordan’s water and agriculture sectors

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The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is classified as one of the driest countries in the world. Thus, the country carries great burdens when dealing with climate change impacts.

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 Jordan, which has been witnessing these changes with increased frequency over the years, whether it is the shrinkage of the Dead Sea or flash floods

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Jordan has access to inexpensive and an abundant range of biomass feedstock. This includes municipal solid waste, sewage and industrial waste.

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The existing and predicted impacts of climate change vary locally, regionally, and globally. The issue has received considerable attention in Jordan

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Jordan is experiencing high urbanization rates, with Amman housing 4.2 million residents which makes up 42% of the overall population

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According to the National Climate Change Policy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (2013-2020), the overall energy intensity (energy per unit of GDP) in Jordan is relatively higher

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